UC Santa Barbara, College of Engineering
Dressaire Lab

B. M.Dincau, C. Tang, E. Dressaire, and A. Sauret
Soft Matter 9, 1904032 (2022)
S. S. Tanikella, N. D. Jones, and E. Dressaire
ASME IMECE 85666 (2021)
B. M.Dincau, E. Dressaire, and A. Sauret
Small 16, 1904032 (2020)
B. M.Dincau, M. Z. Bazant, E. Dressaire, and A. Sauret
Physical Review Applied 12(1), 011001 (2019)
A. Sauret, A. Gans, B. Colnet, G. Saingier, M. Z. Bazant, and E. Dressaire
Physical Review Fluids 4(5), 054303 (2019)
M. Roper, and E. Dressaire
Current Biology 29 (4), R130-R132 (2019)
A. Gans, E. Dressaire, B. Colnet, G. Saingier, M. Z. Bazant, and A. Sauret
Soft Matter 15(2), 252-261 (2019)
A. Sauret, K. Somszor, E. Villermaux, and E. Dressaire
Physical Review Fluids 3 (10), 104301 (2018)
A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, K. Somszor, E. Dressaire, and H. A. Stone
Soft Matter 13(1), 134-140 (2017)
C.-Y. Lai, Z. Zheng, Z., E. Dressaire, G. Ramon, H. E. Huppert, and H. A. Stone
Physical Review Letters 117, 268001 (2016)
C.-Y. Lai, Z. Zheng, Z., E. Dressaire, and H. A. Stone
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 374(2078), 20150425 (2016)
E. Grimaldi, and E. Dressaire
Journal of Visusalization 19(4), 577-579 (2016)
E. Dressaire, L. Yamada, B. Song, and M. Roper
PNAS 113(11), 2833-2838 (2016)
L. Ma, B. Song, T. Curran, N. Phong, E. Dressaire, and M. Roper
Proceedings Royal Society B 283, 20152470 (2016)
E. Dressaire, A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, and H.A Stone
Soft Matter 12, 200-208 (2016)
C.-Y. Lai, Z. Zheng, E. Dressaire, J. S. Wexler, and H. A. Stone
Proceedings Royal Society, A 471, 20150255 (2015)
A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, B. Soh, E. Dressaire, and H. A. Stone
European Physical Journal E 38, 62 (2015)
A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, D. Cebron, E. Dressaire, and H. A. Stone
Soft Matter 11, 4034-4040 (2015)
J. Cappello, A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, E. Dressaire, and H. A. Stone
Journal of Visualization 18(2), 269-271 (2015)
A. Sauret, F. Boulogne, J. Cappello E. Dressaire, and H. A. Stone
Physics of Fluids 27, 022103 (2015)
F. Boulogne, A. Sauret, B. Soh, E. Dressaire, and H. A. Stone
Langmuir 31(10), 3094–3100 (2015)
A. Sauret, E. C. Barney, A. Perro, E. Villermaux, H. A. Stone, and E. Dressaire
Applied Physics Letters 105, 074101 (2014)
E. Dressaire, L. Courbin, A. Delancy, M. Roper, and H. A. Stone
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 721, 46-57 (2013)
E. Dressaire, L. Courbin, J. Crest, and H. A. Stone
Physics of Fluids 22, 73602 (2010)
E. Dressaire, L. Courbin, J. Crest, and H. A. Stone
Physical Review Letters 120,194503 (2009)
E. Dressaire, R. Bee, D. C. Bell, A. Lips, and H. A. Stone
Science 320,1198 (2008)
E. Lavoie-Hodges, E. Dressaire, and D. C. Bell
Microscopy and Micro-analysis 14, S2-1444 (2008)
L. Courbin, E. Denieul, E. Dressaire, M. Roper, A. Ajdari, and H. A. Stone
Nature Materials 6, 661 (2007)
D. C. Bell, E. Dressaire, R. Bee, D. Bell, A. Lips, and H. A. Stone
Microscopy and Micro-analysis 13, 592 (2007)
M. Thery, A. Pepin, E. Dressaire, Y. Chen, and M. Bornens
Cell Motililty and the Cytoskeleton 63, 341 (2006)
B. Raghuraman, G. Gustavson, R. E. G. Van Hal, E. Dressaire, and O. Zhdaneev
Applied Spectroscopy 60 (12), 1461-1468 (2006)